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Deal Template

The Deal Template is used to manage deal-related information, such as document details, item data, customer and vendor information, and financial summaries. Below is a detailed explanation of the fields available in the template.

Header and Line Data

Fields include details about the deal document and the individual items or services listed within it.

deal.documentNoA unique number automatically assigned to each new deal document created.
deal.documentDateThe date the deal document was created.
noThe line number, incremented for each new line in the document.
line.itCodeA unique number assigned to each new item in the deal.
line.item.nameDocumentThe name of the item as documented in the deal.
line.itemDescriptionA description of the item, providing more details if available.
line.quantityThe quantity of units for the item involved in the transaction.
line.priceUnitOriginalThe original unit price of the item before applying tax, discounts, or rebates.
line.amountDiscountOriginalThe discount applied to the unit price of the item or service.
line.amountSubOriginalThe price of the item or service before VAT is applied.
line.amountTaxOriginalThe VAT rate applied to the item or service.
line.amountTotalOriginalThe final price the customer needs to pay, including VAT, discounts, and the unit price.
deal.commentOptional comments that can be added to the deal for further context.
deal.amountSubOriginalSumThe total original price before VAT for all items in the deal.
deal.DiscountThe total discount applied to the deal, affecting the unit price of items/services.
deal.taxRateThe VAT rate applied to the entire deal.
deal.amountTotalOriginalSumThe total final amount that the customer must pay, including all items, discounts, and taxes.
deal.paymentMethod.nameThe payment method selected for the deal (e.g., Credit Card, Bank Transfer).
deal.createdByThe full name of the person who created the deal document.
deal.createdThe date and time the deal document was created.
deal.dueDateThe date by which the payment for the deal is due, encouraging timely payment.

Account, Customer, and Address Data

This category includes fields related to customer information, such as their name, address, and identification details.

financialInformation.nameThe full name of the customer, which can be a person or a company.
financialInformation.countryThe country of the customer's address.
financialInformation.cityThe city of the customer's address.
financialInformation.address1The detailed address of the customer.
financialInformation.identifierNationalIdThe customer's unique identification code (e.g., personal ID number).
financialInformation.identifierTaxIdThe customer's VAT identification number.
financialInformation.responsiblePersonThe person financially responsible for the customer's account.

My Company Data

This category provides details about the vendor managing the deal, including address and financial information.

vendorFinancialInformation.nameThe full name of the vendor (can be a person or a company).
vendorFinancialInformation.cityThe city of the vendor's address.
vendorFinancialInformation.address1The detailed address of the vendor.
vendorFinancialInformation.identifierNationalIdThe vendor's unique identification code (e.g., registration or national ID number).
vendorFinancialInformation.identifierTaxIdThe vendor's VAT identification number.
vendorFinancialInformation.responsiblePersonThe person financially responsible for the vendor's account.